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Changelog – Quick Cross Sells WooCommerce

# Quick Cross-Sells WooCommerce Changelog

## [3.3.8] – 2024-09-09
### Added
– WC 9.3 and WP 6.6 compatibility.

## [3.3.7] – 2024-06-27
### Added
– WC 9.0 compatibility.

## [3.3.6] – 2024-05-21
### Added
– WC 8.9 and WP 6.5 compatibility.

## [3.3.5] – 2024-02-05
### Fixed
– Granting only one parent-product discount when two-way discounts are available for variable products.

## [3.3.4] – 2024-01-11
### Fixed
– Revert `Fixed conflicts when merging minified JS files`.

## [3.3.3] – 2024-01-11
### Added
– WC 8.5 compatibility.

### Fixed
– Conflicts when merging minified JS files.

## [3.3.2] – 2024-01-04
### Added
– WC 8.4 compatibility.

## [3.3.1] – 2023-12-06
### Fixed
– Adding variable product to cart that has common attributes with its variable child-products.

## [3.3.0] – 2023-12-06
### Added
– Ability to choose variable product in Quick Cross-Sells section.

### Changed
– Frontend section templates.
– Product titles logic in added to cart success notice.

### Fixed
– String translations.
– WC REST API Product’s Quick Cross-sells section endpoint schema.

## [3.2.3] – 2023-11-15
### Added
– PHP 8.1 compatibility.

### Fixed
– String translations.

## [3.2.2] – 2023-11-08
### Added
– Declare plugin compatibility with WooCommerce Cart and Checkout Blocks.
– WC 8.3 and WP 6.4 compatibility.

## [3.2.1] – 2023-09-18
### Added
– WC 8.1 and WP 6.3 compatibility.

### Fixed
– `Delete Quick Cross-Sell products` tool filter.

## [3.2.0] – 2023-07-05
### Changed
– New license system.

## [3.1.4] – 2023-06-21
### Added
– WC 7.8 compatibility.

### Fixed
– Fixed styling in Twenty Twenty-Three theme.

## [3.1.3] – 2023-05-17
### Added
– WC 7.7 compatibility.

## [3.1.2] – 2023-03-30
### Added
– Default value for product_discount column.
– WP 6.2 compatibility.

### Fixed
– String translations.

## [3.1.1] – 2023-03-15
### Added
– WC 7.5 compatibility.

### Fixed
– External object cache.

## [3.1.0] – 2023-02-08
### Added
– Declare plugin compatibility with WooCommerce HPOS.
– WC 7.3 compatibility.

## [3.0.2] – 2022-12-01
### Fixed
– Quick Cross-Sells section discounted product price suffix.

## [3.0.1] – 2022-11-15
### Added
– WC 7.1 compatibility.

### Fixed
– Fixed wrong discounted cart item row subtotal displayed in the Mini-cart.
– Fixed styling in Twenty Twenty-Three theme.

## [3.0.0] – 2022-10-13
### Added
– Quick Cross-Sells products rules.
– WC 7.0 compatibility.

## [2.1.1] – 2022-10-11
### Fixed
– Variation title in Quick Cross-Sells section.

## [2.1.0] – 2022-09-23
### Added
– `Delete Quick Cross-Sell products` tool.
– WC 6.9 compatibility.

## [2.0.2] – 2022-09-06
### Added
– Frontend `wcqcs_after_add_to_cart_drawer_section` hook.
– WC 6.8 compatibility.

## [2.0.1] – 2022-05-31
### Added
– WC 6.5 compatibility.

### Fixed
– Frontend Quick Cross-Sells section text align.

## [2.0.0] – 2022-04-28
### Added
– New Quick Cross-Sells section location in a drawer.
– Frontend section location select in plugin settings.
– WooCommerce REST API Product’s Quick Cross-sells section endpoint.

### Changed
– Frontend section templates, JS and CSS files structure.

## [1.1.1] – 2022-03-02
### Changed
– Allow adding child-products to Cart during AJAX actions.

## [1.1.0] – 2022-02-24
### Added
– WooCommerce Subscriptions simple subscription and subscription variation support.
– WC 6.3 compatibility.

### Changed
– Do not display product permalink if it’s not visible.

## [1.0.13] – 2021-11-09
### Added
– WC 5.9 compatibility.

## [1.0.12] – 2021-10-07
### Added
– WC 5.7 compatibility.

### Changed
– Use product’s regular price as cart item’s discounted price regular in Cart table.
– Increased minimum required PHP version to 7.0.

### Fixed
– Fixed displaying cart item’s discounted price without taxes in Cart table.

## [1.0.11] – 2021-03-02
### Added
– WC 5.1 compatibility.

### Fixed
– Fixed styling in Twenty Twenty-One theme.

## [1.0.10] – 2020-10-18
### Added
– WC 4.7 compatibility.

### Fixed
– Fixed wrong discounted price displayed in the Mini-cart.

## [1.0.9] – 2020-10-21
### Added
– WC 4.6 compatibility.

## [1.0.8] – 2020-10-05
### Fixed
– Fixed plugin WooCommerce version tested up to displayed at WC status page.

## [1.0.7] – 2020-09-29
### Fixed
– Fixed plugin version.

## [1.0.6] – 2020-09-16
### Added
– WC 4.5 compatibility.

## [1.0.5] – 2020-08-26
### Added
– WC 4.4 compatibility.

## [1.0.4] – 2020-05-13
### Added
– WC 4.1 compatibility.

### Changed
– Grant only one parent-product discount when two-way discounts are available.

## [1.0.3] – 2020-03-10
### Fixed
– Fixed plugin’s name, description and URLs.

## [1.0.2] – 2020-03-05
### Added
– Declare support for versions of WP and WC.

## [1.0.1] – 2020-02-28
### Fixed
– Fix bug displaying discounted price even if it was same as regular price.

## [1.0.0] – 2020-02-20
### Added
– Main plugin functions.

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